Electronics & CAD 9-10


The objective of this course is to provide students with an introduction to electronics, printed circuit boards (PCB), building a case for projects, design software, and programming. Students who have taken the course in grade 9 will focus on more complex projects, PCB design, and programming.

Level 1 Projects (Robotics 8 or no prior experience)

  • 3D Parts: tutorial in 3D modelling using a program called Inventor
  • Button-Fade: printed circuit board (PCB) that uses most basic components
  • Breadboarding: prototyping boards for learning how electronics work
  • Laser Box: a project that combines 3D modelling, 2D software, and the laser engraver
  • Water Piano: electronics project that includes a circuit board and wood case

Additional Projects for Level 1

  • 3x3x3 LED Cube: LEDs soldered into a cube and mounted to a PCB and wood base
  • Orthographic & Assemblies: tutorials in advanced 3D modelling and communicating design
  • 3D Print Project: students can propose a project they would like to create using the 3D printers

Level 2 Projects (completed Electronics 9)

  • AutoCAD Intro & Mechanical: tutorials in 2D design software
  • Penta-Fade PCB: printed circuit board (PCB) used for practicing advanced soldering
  • Multimeter: exercises to learn how to use a multimeter to test and diagnose circuits
  • DipTrace: software used to design PCBs so students will be able to create their own boards
  • Arduino: learn to program a microcontroller and control a circuit board using a computer

Additional Projects for Level 2

  • Nano-Shield: create a PCB used for advanced Arduino programming
  • Lantern: design a small lantern that will include rainbow flashing lights inside
  • 3D Print or Laser Project: students can propose projects that use the 3D printers or laser


5%          Safety (100% on safety tests required)

15%        Tutorials & Theory

60%        Project Work

20%        Shop Practice


You will be working with expensive equipment in a shared space that is important to many people. I expect that you treat room and everyone in it with respect. You are required to work safely, clean up, and put in a consistent effort into your work. In exchange, I will try my best to make this course a meaningful experience.