Electronics & CAD 11-12


The objective of this course is to build upon your understanding of electronics, 3D modelling, programming and the design process. The course will start with some projects and activities to build a foundation. Afterwards, there will be opportunities for you to steer the focus of the course and design your own projects.

Weekly Report

To receive credit for the work that you do, you will need to fill out a weekly report at the end of the week. This will consist of either a few sentences combined with pictures to show what you worked on throughout the week or a day-by-day description of your work if pictures are not included. You will be assessed based on the quality of your work, not necessarily the quantity of projects produced.

Student-Designed Projects

You will have the opportunity to design your own projects in this course. However, this does not give you a license to do anything you want. Before starting on a student designed project, you are required to create a proposal and have it approved my Mr. Ross.

Level 1 Projects (Robotics 8 or no prior experience)

  • 3D Parts: tutorial in 3D modelling using a program called Inventor
  • Button-Fade: printed circuit board (PCB) that uses most basic components
  • Breadboarding: prototyping boards for learning how electronics work
  • DipTrace: software used to design PCBs so students will be able to create their own boards
  • Arduino: learn to program a microcontroller and control a circuit board using a computer
  • Laser Box: a project that combines 3D modelling, 2D software, and the laser engraver
  • Penta-Fade PCB: printed circuit board (PCB) used for practicing advanced soldering
  • Lantern: design a small lantern that will include rainbow flashing lights inside
  • Project proposal for student-designed project

Level 2 Projects (completed one term of Electronics & CAD 9-10)

  • AutoCAD Intro & Mechanical: tutorials in 2D design software
  • Penta-Fade PCB: printed circuit board (PCB) used for practicing advanced soldering
  • Multimeter: exercises to learn how to use a multimeter to test and diagnose circuits
  • DipTrace: software used to design PCBs so students will be able to create their own boards
  • Arduino: learn to program a microcontroller and control a circuit board using a computer
  • Orthographic & Assemblies: tutorials in advanced 3D modelling and communicating design
  • Project proposal for student-designed project

Level 3 Projects (completed two terms of Elec. & CAD 9-10 or 1 semester of Elec. & CAD 11)

  • AutoCAD Mechanical 4-5: advanced tutorials in 2D design software
  • Orthographic & Assemblies: tutorials in advanced 3D modelling and communicating design
  • Custom Components: add components to PCB design software from outside provided library
  • Oscilloscope: assemble and oscillating circuit and learn to read signals on an oscilloscope
  • Arduino: learn to program a microcontroller and control a circuit board using a computer
  • Project proposal for student-designed project

Additional Projects (options after completing required projects)

  • Nano-Shield: create a PCB used for advanced Arduino programming
  • 3x3x3 LED Cube: LEDs soldered into a cube and mounted to a PCB and wood base
  • 4x4x4 LED Cube: Large LED cube controlled individually by an Arduino microcontroller
  • Neon RGB: Arduino-controlled Neon Plaque with LEDs that can select any colour
  • 3D Print or Laser Project: students can propose projects that use the 3D printers or laser
  • Electronics Repair: researching and repairing damaged electronics is sometimes possible
  • Skills Canada Electronics: training for those participating in the regional competition
  • Architectural Modelling: The CAD component of the course can include architectural design
  • Student-Designed Projects: Students are encouraged to research and develop their own ideas for projects that can be completed using the equipment available once they have completed the required projects for their level.


5%          Safety (100% on safety tests required)

15%        Weekly Report

20%        Planning & Design

40%        Project Work

20%        Shop Practice


You will be working with expensive equipment in a shared space that is important to many people. I expect that you treat room and everyone in it with respect. You are required to work safely, clean up, and put in a consistent effort into your work. In exchange, I will try my best to make this course a meaningful experience.