Key Learning Objectives
- Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior.
Grade 6 Tech Skills
- I can use technology responsibly and make safe choices.
- I can understand the importance of not sharing personal information online.
- I can recognize how overuse of technology can impact one’s mental, physical and emotional health (gaming/video games, social media, screen time)
- I can set appropriate profile pictures and other profile content across social media, webpages, blogs, portfolios etc.
- I understand that digital content is permanent and cannot be deleted.
- I can build a positive digital footprint/reputation.
Steps to Complete
Part One: Introduction to Design Thinking and Prototyping
(1 to 1 1/2 hours)
- Introduction to Design Thinking Process
- Introduction to Clickable Wireframe Prototype ->
- Brainstorming Ideas for Digital Literacy App
- Group work to sketch paper wireframe
Part Two: Create Clickable Wireframe Protoype in PowerPoint
(1 hour)
- Watch video and view completed example on Creating a Clickable Wireframe Prototype in PowerPoint.
- Complete the Clickable Wireframe Prototype using the template provided in PowerPoint.
- Share Out
- Self Reflection
- Design Detective_Innovating with Technology Lesson Plan
- Design Thinking Brainstorm Worksheet_Printable
- Clickable Wireframe App Prototype Workflow
- App Wireframe Design Worksheet (print on 11 x 17 ” paper)
- PowerPoint Clickable Wireframe App Prototype Example (downloadable)
- Peer Feedback Protocols and Worksheet_Printable
Creating a Clickable Wireframe Prototype in PowerPoint
Clickable Wireframe Prototype with PowerPoint Template
(Click to download to personal downloads folder. Then save it to your OneDrive.)