Key Learning Objectives
- Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior.
Grade 6 Tech Skills
- I can use technology responsibly and make safe choices.
- I can understand the importance of not sharing personal information online.
- I can recognize how overuse of technology can impact one’s mental, physical and emotional health (gaming/video games, social media, screen time)
- I can set appropriate profile pictures and other profile content across social media, webpages, blogs, portfolios etc.
- I understand that digital content is permanent and cannot be deleted.
- I can build a positive digital footprint/reputation.
Steps to Complete
Part One: Introduction to Design Thinking and Prototyping
(1 to 1 1/2 hours)
- Introduction to Design Thinking Process
- Introduction to Clickable Wireframe Prototype ->
- Brainstorming Ideas for Digital Literacy App
- Group work to sketch paper wireframe
Part Two: Create Clickable Wireframe Protoype in PowerPoint
(1 hour)
- Watch video and view completed example on Creating a Clickable Wireframe Prototype in PowerPoint.
- Complete the Clickable Wireframe Prototype using the template provided in PowerPoint.
- Share Out
- Self Reflection
- Design Detective_Innovating with Technology Lesson Plan
- Design Thinking Brainstorm Worksheet_Printable
- Clickable Wireframe App Prototype Workflow
- App Wireframe Design Worksheet (print on 11 x 17 ” paper)
- PowerPoint Clickable Wireframe App Prototype Example (downloadable)
- Peer Feedback Protocols and Worksheet_Printable
- Design Detective Core Competency Self Reflection
Creating a Clickable Wireframe Prototype in PowerPoint – Use the Navigation links in the comment section to jump to specific parts of the video.
Clickable Wireframe Prototype with PowerPoint Template
(Click to download to personal downloads folder. Then save it to your OneDrive.)