Woodwork 11/12

Woodwork 11/12 provides students the opportunity to develop the skills necessary to build quality projects in the realm of woodworking.  Traditional tools, machinery and techniques will be the main focus, however modern technologies such such as CAD (computer assisted design), and CNC (computer numeric controlled) machinery will also be explored.

No prior woodworking experience is required to be successful in this course.  

Woodwork 11_12 Course Outline


The following machines will be covered in a tradition demo/safety test manor to ensure the safe and proper use of the machine.  Students will not be able to use a machine until the safety test/demo is complete. 

Wood Theory

Theory will be given in the course that revolves around costing material and taking wood from a rough state to finished dimensions.

Dressing A Piece of Wood Procedure
Dressing a Piece of Wood
Calculating Materials