** Note – This page is in a constant state of construction as the course progresses **
** Wear Eye Protection When Working With Wire! **
Forming wire is a popular way of creating or accessorizing jewelry. In this project you will create a ring using little more than wire, a ring mandrel, cutting pliers and jewelry pliers.
Watching YouTube tutorials can both inspire and teach methods for forming various wire rings.
Task #1
Follow this tutorial to create an ‘infinity’ ring.
You will need to obtain the following tools to complete the task:
Task #2 – make a second ring of a different design
Some ideas (search the internet for more!)…
The major grading consideration for this project is your attention to detail
Box Lid
Downloading the template…
Creating A Design (Inkscape)…
Cutting Parts Using The Laser…
Box Bottom
Box Inserts
What To Do After You’ve Cut Your Parts