Grade 6

Digital Literacy

“Digital Detectives: Cracking the Code of Online Literacy” is a thematic series designed to engage Grade 6 students in exploring digital literacy through investigative challenges.  This engaging program is designed to immerse students in an inquiry challenge that enhances their digital literacy.  The inquiry question is:

“What does it mean to be digitally literate in today’s world?”

round sticker image with cartoon snail and text_snailed it; I'm digitally literate

Students will engage in tasks designed to explore the inquiry question, with the ultimate goal of creating an app to help others become digitally literate.

Our comprehensive lesson plans cover essential topics, including:

  • Understanding Digital Literacy: Grasping the fundamentals of what digital literacy entails.
  • Safeguarding Digital Footprints: Learning how to protect one’s digital presence.
  • Ensuring Online Privacy and Safety: Strategies for maintaining privacy and safety online.
  • Practicing Digital Etiquette: Understanding and applying proper online behavior.
  • Effective Internet Research: Techniques to avoid misinformation and conduct reliable research.
  • Utilizing Tools for Communication and Collaboration: Leveraging platforms like Canva and Teams for effective online interaction.
  • Exploring AI and Ethics: Understanding how AI works and the ethical considerations involved.
  • App Development Using ADST Skills: Applying Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies (ADST) and the design cycle to develop an app.

grade 6 digital literacy lesson image cartoon detective cat with detective elements