District 71 Screening Tools

School District 71 is currently compiling a screening document for students in Grade K-3.  This document will be posted shortly.

Decoding, Fluency and Comprehension

The PM Benchmark system is recommended for decoding, fluency and comprehension assessment.

The San Diego Quick Assessment of Reading Ability is useful in finding where to begin with the PM Benchmark System. This is not a placement tool, but only used for find a starting point. The San Diego Quick can be found here:

San Diego Quick

Phonics and Word Reading

The LETRS Phonics and Word Reading screen will assess unfinished phonics learning.  The screen is arranged by phonics patterns.

LETRS Phonics and Word Reading Screen


For Kindergarten and Grade 1, the Developmental Spelling Test is recommended. This will be loaded onto Learn71 shortly.  Please contact Heather Willms if you are looking for the screen now.

The LETRS Spelling Screen will assess spelling skills with a beginning and advanced spelling test.  This screen aligns with the LETRS Phonics and Word Reading Screen.

Both the LETRS Spelling Screen and the Phonics and Word Reading screen can be found here:

LETRS Spelling Screen