Core Word Approach – Books


Core words are the powerful, flexible words we use every day for most of our communication. These are words like I, that, don’t, he, she, it, get, put, again, ready, what, go, more, and, no. Individuals who are learning to use their AAC systems (“talkers”) need lots of practice with core words. Most of these words can be used in many ways—that’s what makes them core! A core word approach gives the AAC learner focused practice the most important, common and powerful words that will help them communicate effectively in many different situations.

SD71’s collection of core word books was created to provide our students with opportunities to experience core words. The messages chosen to illustrate the meanings of core words are taken from common everyday experiences.

How to use:

How to Download and File Types:

AAC apps used:

Touch Chat:

LAMP-Word for Life

Speak for Yourself


Core Books from Previous Years