SD71 has a number of Digital Resources available to its users.  These are in the form of encyclopedias, databases, ebooks and texts and videos.  They are free to the user unless indicated (freeium resources) and if accessed from a school device, will not need a username or password (unless indicated).

If resources are accessed from home or a personal device, use the link below for the list of district user name and passwords required for some of the items below.

District 71 Username and Passwords

header for SD71 username and passwords for research databases

Destiny icon blue and orange intertwined curved diamondBROWSE WITH DESTINY.

Destiny is our online catalogue. It is full of digital content carefully curated just for you! Take a moment and browse our growing collection!

Destiny Tip Sheets

Sora icon light blue flying robotFLY WITH SORA

Our district uses the Sora app for our digital reading platform. Simply download the app on any device and you can read or listen to audiobooks and ebooks!

Online tutorial

Pebble Go icon white DIVE INTO LEARNING

Explore resources designed for young students grades (K-3).  Easy-to-read articles, videos and activities to engage early learners help promote independent research skills.  Also check out Pebble Go Next for grades  (3-6)

Explore More




The Gale databases will require a special username and login.  Use the link below to access these.

SD71 Username and Password List

Indigenous Resources

French Resources