password and security iconGrade 4 Digital Literacy – Passwords and Security

Key Learning Objectives

  • Introduce the basic concepts and procedures of logging onto the school network, creating and changing passwords, and protecting personal and private information online.

Grade 4 Tech Skills

  • Keep passwords secret and understand why.
  • Create strong passwords and be able to change them when needed.
  • Use technology responsibly and make safe choices.
  • Understand the importance of not sharing personal information online.
  • Explain responsible uses of technology and digital information and the possible consequences of inappropriate use.
  • SD 71 Intermediate Responsible Use Agreement.

Steps to Complete

icon for list clipboard with checkmarksPart 1: Responsible Use Policy

  1.  Watch Into video
  2. Create Hero Skits about school computer use
  3. Do a Kahoot to show knowledge

Part 2: Setting Strong Passwords

  1. Play “Test Your Password” Step to the Line Game
  2. Complete If Then.. scenarios in groups
  3. Test your current passwords
  4. Fill out Super Secret Powerful Password handout
  5. Test new passwords

Try this Kahoot to test your knowledge of the Responsible Use Policy. If you don’t already have a free (basic) Kahoot account, you will need to sign up for one and log in.  Then you can press Start and have your class complete the Kahoot.

Kahoot slides with test your knowledge as added text