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Reading Link Challenge

The school competition for the Reading Link Challenge is coming soon…make sure you’re reading as much as you can.  Can’t find the novel you need in the library?  Click here to find pdf versions of the books.  

Research Tools

Snow & Winter Resources

Predictive text iOS


Outdoor play: Building like Beaver!

This lovely activity comes from Brooke Young @ Puntledge! Thanks, Brooke!

During our outdoor time, we have be working on working like beaver (our 6 Cedar trait for this month). Before each activity, we talk about working cooperatively, listening to each other respectfully, contributing together and sharing materials with all of the groups. These pictures show our “Architect and Builder” activities. Students choose a partner (from the other class outside with us), one is the architect, one is the builder. The architect comes to see what I created with nature behind a tree, they then have to describe and instruct to their builder partner how to recreate my creation. The architect can not touch the materials, only give oral instructions. The materials are expected to be the same. Once finished, the architect shows the builder the original creation and the compare/discuss. 
This is a great activity for collaborative learning, Oral language skills and bringing your classroom outside. 

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