Welcome to the Aspen Park Learning Commons Website
Teacher-Librarian: Kari Mathew
Library-Clerk: Chris Parker
Check out the intro video for this year’s reading links challenge https://youtu.be/XkJ0qePo7HM
Minecraft Club – Submissions Due March 6th
Starting in January there will be an intermediate, grade 4-7, Minecraft club, running in the learning commons, every other Friday. Students will be given this time to work on the district Minecraft Challenge. This challenge is done in Minecraft for Education and students access it using their school login information (student # @learn71.ca and password) Students will be able to work on this solely in club time, but also have the option to work on it at home. The Challenge can be done in groups or as an individual. Tip sheets and help pages can all be accessed using the above link to the challenge.