Click on the Inquiry Question links below to see the full survey response and learn what each PLC group is exploring.
- How does a explicit teaching of self-regulation affect learning in the classroom?
- Do picture books improve student attitudes and skills in writing?
- Is the buddy bench a useful tool for improving social emotional conditions or inclusion in schools?
- How can we use technology to motivate and enhance student learning?
- Will a Genius Hour / Inquiry program increase engagement, creativity, and productivity?
- How can we use the core competencies when we are teaching poetry?
- We read Calm, Alert and Learning by Stuart Shankar and discussed each chapter. Next we developed lessons around picture books related to self- regulation topics such as blurting, and being accountable.
Student Behaviour
This group examined the negative behaviour patterns throughout our school, and tweaked the student code of conduct to a catchy acronym in student-friendly language. Student-led
assemblies were organized to explicitly teach the acronym
T – take responsibility
I – “I can” show school spirit
G – golden rule – treat others with the same kindness you expect back
E – engage
R – respect self, others, the environment around
We are seeing positive results from the improved emphasis on what we should do, versus what we should not do, and are looking at positive celebrations of student efforts.
How can we build a deeper understanding of community in Kindergarten?
Click on the picture and use your browser controls to enlarge image.
Intermediate Student Engagement
Upper intermediate teachers are working on Student Engagement through Destination
Imagination activities. One story that was especially exciting was of a disengaged student who was making himself sick, wanting to leave school constantly, did not want to complete class work, did not want to participate in lessons who really lit up and engaged when his creativity was unleashed through DI. He was seen far less in the office (seeking to go home, sent out for being miserable, non compliant) and appeared happier when seen in the halls, outside or within his class. His teacher shared a sample of his writing from the beginning of the year that was short, flat, dull, minimally completed and compared it to a written reflection he did after a group DI activity that was long, detailed, had animated voice and powerful vocabulary that showed excitement for what he was learning.
Describe in relation to the work of the PLC teams in your building, how this work is having a real life impact on student achievement.
Within our PLC teams our teachers are working on student behavior issues, school community and student engagement. We are seeing a much more collaborative and cohesive approach across the grades for our students. This positive increase in our school culture has created a more engaging learning community for both students and staff members. A shared vision of personal responsibility is developing throughout the school.