There are lessons here for there are also some games that have lessons to go with them. Hector’s World is great-scroll down to find the Primary lessons.
logo-education These are excellent lessons! You may need to create an account to download the lessons-it is worth it!  

Also check out these excellent lessons on Digital Well-being

Pause and Think Online – Pause and Think Online – By Common Sense Education, this interactive online book teaches our younger kids about digital wellness and safety. There are three books from Common Sense that teachers can use free (click here to access them).

Childnet Smartie the Penguin has Powerpoint Presentations, activities and lesson plans for you to follow. This is a great site!
utah This whole site is wonderful but I have linked to the videos as they are extremely useful! These videos could be the core of your program for Kindergarten and Grade one. Click here for a page of fabulous resources you can download to use with the videos.
netSmarz has excellent videos and lessons to help you teach.
The Technology Tail – by Julia Cook

Lesson plan to go with The Technology Tail

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