Ebooks and Audiobooks from our District SORA Collection
Our district Teacher-Librarian team has curated a large collection of ebooks and audiobooks. They can be searched for in Destiny, and booked from there. If a title is in SORA, the SORA symbol will display by the record. Click on the record then OPEN to be taken directly to the title in SORA.
An easier way of accessing the SORA digital collection, however, is going to SORA directly. Most school ipads have the SORA app on them. It can also be accessed through a browser. If you need help accessing SORA, your site-based Teacher-Librarian can help you.
For a great tip sheet by TL Kari Mathew on how to access SORA for the first and subsequent times, at school and at home, click here.
For a quick tip sheet on how to access our Follett ebooks and audiobooks in a Destiny Discover search, click here. For a more detailed tip sheet, click here.
To go directly to Destiny Discover, click here. A login window will appear. In the Location field, scroll down to British Columbia, in the School Field, start typing in your school name then click on it when it pops up. Click Go! Then log in with your Follett Account, as above.
ARC-BC Digital Ebooks
ARC-BC, The Accessible Resource Centre – British Columbia, provides digital or alternate format alternatives to print for BC classrooms. The goal of ARC-BC is to provide BC students with perceptual disabilities and the educators supporting them with high quality digital alternate format materials based on the BC K-12 curriculum. E–books can be downloaded and used on computers, iPads, tablets, phones and as a whole class tool with projectors and Smartboards to support inclusion. Many textbooks, novels, workbooks, adapted written output materials and the New BC Science Kit books are available on ARC-BC. If the books you need aren’t available, then ARC-BC can create the alternate format version for you. If you already have an ARC-BC account, login at https://www.arc-bc.org/Login.aspx If you do not, as a BC educator you are eligible to register for a free account at http://www.arc-bc.org For more information, check out http://www.arc-bc.org or please contact the SD71 Student Services Tech Department Jane.Rondow@sd71.bc.ca for assistance. Student Services can even download e–books for you.
VIRL Ebooks and Audiobooks
The Vancouver Island Regional Library (VIRL) has a collection of e-books and audio books that you can access by logging in with the username and password connected to your VIRL card. Two of their most popular elementary collections are Tumblebooks and Pebble Go. Consider taking your class to the library to get library cards so that they can access VIRL’s ebooks and audio books at home. Note that their e–books are for individual users who log in using their VIRL account at home only, not for whole class projection on Smartboards or individual computer usage at school etc., due to copyright. Direct link: http://virl.bc.ca/elibrary/ebooks
Research Databases (Our online encyclopedias, magazines and films)
Our district subscribes to several online encyclopedias, magazines and films, that are available every year to students. They are an excellent source for information for research projects, from Kindergarten to Grade 12. Below are some links to help you get started.
Tip sheets on how to access the Research Databases: Quick version Detailed version