white magnifying glass in green square The Credibility Case: Detecting Trustworthy Online Information

Key Learning Objectives

  • Students will learn how to safely search online while determining the credibility of their sources.

Grade 6 Tech Skills

• Understand how to practice safe internet searches.
• Navigate a web browser. (Refresh, forward, back, use search terms, find in page, tabs, history, bookmarks adding to a bookmark toolbar)
• Understand the meaning of URL suffixes .org, .com, edu, .net, .gov and .ca
• Using age-appropriate tools, I can make safe and effective internet searches.
• Use browser search tools and advanced search features to find information.
• Evaluate whether sources/ websites are reliable.
• Use suitable digital tools to organize, display, annotate, cite and share information.
• Locate required citation information on webpages and other digital resources and cite in the appropriate style.

grade 6 digital literacy lesson 3 image cartoon detective cat with detective elements

Steps to Complete

icon for list clipboard with checkmarks

  1.  Teacher sets up an assignment which prompts the students to use Search Coach.
  2. Students watch a video that explains how to use Search Coach.
  3. Students use Search Coach to gather web sources with information about specific topics in Digital Literacy and cite their sources.