chat bubblesGrade 4 Digital Literacy – Online Chat

Key Learning Objectives

  • Discuss the dos and don’ts of online communication, such as using appropriate language, tone, and format.
  • Respecting privacy and confidentiality.
  • Avoiding cyberbullying.

Grade 4 Tech Skills

  • Understand the importance of not sharing personal information online.
  • Understand that digital content is permanent and cannot be deleted.
  • Build a positive digital footprint/reputation.
  • Identify cyberbullying and describe strategies to deal with such a situation.
  • Be respectful in all communications and collaborations using technological tools.
  • Use email, messaging and other tools to share information and communicate ideas with others.

online chat image header

Steps to Complete

Part One:  Mindful Message Slide Deck
(45-60 minutes)

  1. Watch video about online chat
  2. Discuss the video – “Think Pair Share” / With Class
  3. Play “Which Emoji Fits” game.
  4. Watch video about etiquette
  5. Etiquette class activity.
  6. Read “Trolls Stink”.