Grade 4

Digital Literacy

Essential for students, grade four digital literacy establishes fundamental skills in our rapidly evolving technological landscape. These skills, ranging from word processing to navigating cloud content and ensuring online safety, form the foundation for success in today’s fast-paced technological environment.

Click here or on the image below to get a printable copy of the passport.  Make sure that you print it on 8 1/2 x 14 (legal) sized paper.
screen shot of computer elements in a 3d cartoon form representing digital literacy passport

As students complete the tasks to demonstrate these skills they obtain stickers to provide evidence of learning in the “Digital Passport” created for these sets of lessons.

These are taken right from the “ISTE” standards:

Digital Citizen
Knowledge Constructor
Empowered Learner
Global Communicator
Innovative Designer

Knowledge constructor cartoon style sticker

grade 4 digital literacy cover image

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