Megan Zeni’s blog has everything from gardening to free play in the forest and ways to organize materials and time:

10 Simple Outdoor Lessons

Here is a copy of the presentation Jodi Allesia did at the Primary Extravaganza in Richmond on May 1, 2019:

Getting kids outdoors has significant benefits for both their physical and emotional well being. To help you engage in fresh ways with your students outside, here is a practical article on 20 Sensory Outdoor Play Activities. 


Expanding on her work, The Walking Curriculum, Gillian Judson partnered with Heidi Wood to collect the inquiries of teachers who used community walks to integrate Indigenous knowledge and ways of being with outdoor learning.

The Outdoor Learning Store provides this compilation,  “Walking Forward: Learning From Place”  as a free download. It has a wide variety of walks and inquiries, great questions to prompt discussion and examples of student quotes and responses as they engage with the places where they live and learn.

HCTF exploratory-walksHCTF exploratory-walks


this PowerPoint has some simple lessons to get you started or to add to your repertoire.

Nature scavenger-hunt