Click on each bar to find tools, tips and tricks created by or used by Comox Valley School District Teachers:
Send Home a Parent Invitation with Instructions
How to Create Audio Recordings in iMovie
Many kids prefer to have just their voices recorded rather than a video. A recording of a child reading is a wonderful thing to include in an eportfolio. If you are using the Scholantis app there is an audio record button, but if not, please try this easy way to create an audio recording with a visual of the book the child is reading (Click on the image for a printable pdf):
Here is a link to page full of rubrics to help guide your assessment:
Sentence Starters For Parents
It can be helpful to send home some sentence starters to help parents make comments on posts. Here is an example done by a Richmond Teacher:
Some Tips and Tricks
- If the ePortfolios are glitching or not working, try opening them a different browser (ex. if you are in Google Chrome, switch to Firefox)
- If you are unable to get in using another browser, try putting sd71\ before your name.
- When taking pictures with a portable device, especially an ipad or iphone, make sure that you hold your device in landscape orientation with your right thumb on the Home button.
- When you would like to add posts to many different students and you can’t do a Batch add, open a whole bunch of different tabs in your browser and work in more than one student at time. This way, as the post in one student portfolio is loading, you can be adding something to another student portfolio rather than waiting for the wheel to disappear.
- Click here to open a page of tips and tricks:
- If you are worried about putting marks into MyEd BC at the end of the year (parents do not see these unless they request them) you can use the tracking sheet to also put a rating scale of where they are.
- Have a background paper with a title such as “My Favourite Journal Entry” where students place their work and take a photo to upload to their portfolio. An example is to have a sheet with “The Big Idea” at the top and assessment or self-assessment at the bottom.
- Have a 1-4 rubric with codes for the time of year e.g. F (Fall) W(Winter) S(Spring). Post it; edit it and repost it. S (September) and M (Mid-Year).