How to get into My Site (without a parent invitation):
1. Open an internet browser
2. Type in the address: or
visit and then the link to Portal
or type
3. To log in as a teacher:
Username = first name.last name
Password = Same password you use to log in to the school computers or your employee number without the zeros at the front
To log in as a student:
Username = student number
Password = The same password as used at school
When you are at school you will be automatically signed in but at home you will need to use these.
4. When you are signed in, your name appears at the top right
How to Create Your Class Page with ePortfolios:
1. Click here for instructions for How to create your class page with portfolios
NOTE: Teachers who are going on to your second year of using My Site: You do not need to create a new class every year. Follow the instructions below to change your class list of students:
a. On your old class page, open up the Portfolios page.
b. Click on Manage Students and Xs will appear on the right side of your previous class names.
c. Click on the x’s to remove them from your class-this doesn’t delete the students-it just removes them from your class. The portfolio work that you did will remain with them under the grade that you had them for and their new teacher will just have to change the grade.
d. Click on Add Students to add your new class list and click OK when you are done.
2. Click here for instructions for how to add posts to eportfolios
3. Click here for instructions for how to create a Batch Post and send it to more than one student and how to Batch Edit
Now that your students can access their Portfolios, they are able to add posts themselves and contribute to the posts that you have added. If you do not want the students to be able to change the posts, you need to make sure that you lock it by clicking on the lock symbol.