Please note the information below in regards to setting up your personal iPhone/iPad, Android cell phone/tablet, or Windows Phone for email access in Office 365.
- Go to Settings/Options
- Delete your old Exchange Account (if one currently exists for the School District)
- Choose Exchange Email Account to create a new account
- Insert your email address (e.g. and your password
- Choose Return/Next
- If it fails to connect, choose advanced settings and insert:
- Your email address
- The Mail Server of:
- Ignore the Domain Field
- The Username of: first name.last name (a dot between first and last) e.g. ken.matieshen
- Choose Return/Next to have your phone connect to email
- If this fails again to connect, older IPhone and Android phones will need the following inserted in the User Name Field: sd71\first name.last name (e.g. sd71\john.doe)