Managing My Data

I can… 8 9 10 11 12


Log out of cloud services on shared devices. P P P P P
Keep passwords secret and understand why P P P P P
Create strong passwords and be able to change them when needed. P P P P P
Find and adjust privacy settings (airdrop and location settings, Google maps to see where people are) D P P P P
Use a calendar, or other tools to organize one’s self as well as manage projects. D P P P P Play Video ButtonCalendar Office 365 Basics

How to Use the Outlook Mail Calendar

Using the Reminders App on an iPad

Using the IOS Clock to Support Time Management

Using Outlook “Tasks” to Create To Do Lists

E = Emerging   D= Developing    P= Proficient   (O=optional) 8 9 10 11 12 Return to Technology Skills by Grade

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