createagraph Create a Graph is a very easy place to go to create nice looking graphs of many different types.
 primarymathgames Primary Math Games. There are some excellent Math games here, click on the grade that you are looking for.  It is recommended that you check the games first to choose the proper one for your Math curriculum.
ictlogo ICT Games.  There are lots of Math games here to support your Math curriculum.
mathplayground Math Playground – Click on your grade to find lots of Math games to help learn Math concepts
xtd-logo2.png.pagespeed.ic.5woI9SGdXZ Turtle Diary. This page includes some wonderful “teaching games” like “Learn to Add” and “Learn to Subtract”.
 sheppard  Sheppard Math. This page has some wonderful Math learning games-click on the grade at the top.
johnnie Johnnie’s Math Page-Excellent links to games by subject.
header_cool-math-games-NAV-1-1 Cool Math Games. Great games here-this one is Math Lines for adding practice.
illuminations Ten Frame Game.  Teach kids addition and number sense using the tens frame.  Then kids can use this to practice their skills.