
Navigate uses online learning portfolios (e-portfolios) as a platform for students to document and record evidence of their learning over time. This format encourages parent and teacher feedback, an important part of the learning process. There are two types of ePortfolio Posts:

Celebration of learning post

Celebrations are a moment in time that are collected in a digital portfolio. They are samples that capture individual student or group activities to tell the story of what is happening at home or in the classroom.

These posts may be celebrations of learning that might include: receiving a certificate, a field-trip highlight, a social/emotional highlight, or an extra-curricular activity. Individual celebration posts may have short comments from the teacher to provide some context.

**A celebration post is not intended to provide evidence of learning progress for students, and doesn’t meet district portfolio regulations**

Learning sample with Context or Snapshot Post

  1. Student voice is critical in posts as it represents the metacognitive process. It might not be overtly stated in every post, but should be a regular part of submissions. Show what you know via video, audio, writing, drawing, or parent scribe.
  2. Although it may not be as detailed with every student post, when giving assessment-based feedback, the teacher makes curricular connections. These ePortfolio submissions should include the Big Idea, as well as competencies and/or content addressed.
  3. Finally, the informal anecdotal comment and ‘next steps’ completes a solid assessment.