1. ​​​​Define what we mean by Inquiry and Inquiry Models. From the district review in 2017
      • ​ Definit​ion: Inquiry Based Learning is learner driven (driven by curiosity, wonder, challenge, identified problems – must be authentic and meaningful to the learner) and follows a pattern of the learner asking questions and then gathering information to respond to those questions. Throughout the process the responses​ are assessed, questions are refined and directions adjusted accordingly. Ultimately, the findings are shared. A key element of Inquiry-Based Learning is learner metacognition. (Ontario Ministry of Education, 2013)
      • The essence of inquiry … “Inquiry … requires more than simply answering questions or getting a right answer. It espouses investigation, exploration, search, quest, research, pursuit, and study. It is enhanced by involvement with a community of learners, each learning from the other in social interaction.” (Kuklthau, Maniotes & Caspari, 2007, p. 2 as cited in Ministry of Ontario, 2012, p. 1)

        Helpful Link: http://www.learn71.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Newsletter-Sept-25-2015.pdf

      • Why is this important? Inquiry is the most effective vehicle to engage and empower students while they learn to persevere and grow as lifelong learners. Inquiry helps students develop the attitudes and aptitudes to be successful in the dynamic contemporary world. Inquiry also creates the conditions in school districts and learning settings wherein curiosity is encouraged, developed, and sustained. It is essential to opening thinking, changing practice, responding to change, and creating dramatically more innovative approaches to learning, teaching and leadership.
      • How do we engage people in developing an inquiry mindset?
  1. Program alignment and coherence
      1. Build consistency of language throughout system – 3 questions for all ($2000)
        1. What are you learning? (and why does it matter?)
        2. How is it going? (and How do you know?)
        3. Where to next?
  2. ​​Focus on two streams of Inquiry: Inquiry for student learners; Inquiry for adult learners.
      1. Support for student learner inquiry
        1. ​​​​Inquiry Fair ($5,000)
        2. Destination Imagination ($5,000)
        3. Science Kits/LRC
        4. Makerspaces
        5. CSTs co-planning and modelling throughout the district
        6. TLs co-planning and modelling in schools – should be part of their job descriptions
        7. Sponsor a Pro-D dinner in the new year lead by CSTs for teaching inquiry ($3,000)
        8. Increase capacity of how Inquiry fits with redesigned curriculum ($ given to schools)
      2. ​​​Support adult learner inquiry​
        1. ​​Create a repository of examples ($1,000 – connected to 4(ii))
          • ​People
          • Activities​​​
          • Resources
        2. ​​​Support attendance at NOIIE Conference with follow-up expectations ($ given to schools)
        3. CSTs to share what is happening throughout the district
        4. Local Network of Inquiry and Indigenous Education (NOIIE) ($12,000) – Jacquie/Naomi
        5. Have Linda Kaser and Judy Halbert work with our District Leadership Team on some Pro-D in this area ($2,000)
        6. Host a celebratory dinner in May for those adult learners that have shown leadership in inquiry-based adult learning ($5,000)
        7. Increase Pro-D offerings for multiple access points – connect with Master’s programs ($ given to schools)
        8. Mentorship program will be structured around Inquiry
        9. Use Inquiry to work with redesigned curriculum ($ given to schools)
        10. Support inquiry learning teams ($ given to schools)
  3. Be clear and transparent about what we are doing and why
          1. Identify measures of success
            1. Inquiry Fair participation rates
            2. Number of Independent Studies at Secondary
            3. Number of Adult Learner Inquiry teams
            4. Participation in Network of Inquiry and Indigenous Education
            5. MakerSpace development and usage
            6. Repository of examples
            7. Number of new courses/programs that are inquiry based
          2. ​​Identify and connect related work in our district – ($1,000 – connected to 3(ii))
            1. Blended Learning and Navigate programs
            2. Network of Inquiry and Indigenous Education
            3. Westside Project
            4. Work of the CSTs
            5. MakerSpace development and use
            6. Create an inventory of initiatives and support
              • Connect people within sites and between sites
            7. ​Showcase what people are doing and how they are doing it ​
              • ​Invite people in to watch inquiry in practice – site by site
          3. ​Include teachers in the leadership and organization of this work and plan​
  4. Create a detailed and supported plan for next three years by March 15th
    1. ​Following up on the work detailed above and adjusting as necessary
    2. Create a framework for Inquiry based learning initiatives program, i.e. Inquiry teams apply for support
    3. Create a plan to support secondary level inquiry project initiatives
    4. Who is going to do what and when?
    5. What role will teachers play in this work?
