
Selecting novels for classroom study requires thoughtful consideration of various factors, including our own personal biases, alignment with the BC curriculum, appropriateness of the content, classroom and community social context, and user-friendly design (for both your students and you!)  While your district and school teacher-librarians follow established selection guidelines in purchasing novel sets, you, as the classroom teacher, are the expert in determining which materials best meet the academic and social needs of your students.

To assist in this process, Focused Ed BC provides valuable guidance through its K-12 Evaluated Resource Collection—a searchable database of evaluated print and digital learning resources. Evaluated by practicing BC public school teachers, these resources include detailed, criteria-based assessments that help districts, schools, and educators make informed decisions. Their selection guidelines support you in choosing materials that are not only curriculum-aligned but also socially responsive and engaging for your students.

Each of the selection criteria in the infographic at left is explored in detail in the Selecting Learning Resources for the Classroom module on the Focused Ed BC website.

Choosing Book with Indigenous Themes

You may be looking for specific guidance about choosing Indigenous resources.  Ideally, novels and texts should be created by Indigenous authors or with meaningful collaboration from Indigenous communities to ensure they accurately reflect lived experiences and cultural knowledge. Resources such as FNESC’s (First Nations Education Steering Committee) Authentic Indigenous Resources Guide support teachers in selecting materials that align with the principles of reconciliation, uphold Indigenous knowledge systems, and foster deeper understanding among students. Choosing authentic Indigenous resources provides an opportunity to honor Indigenous voices, integrate diverse worldviews into classroom discussions, and build meaningful connections to the BC curriculum.

Click here to view and download the Richmond School District’s guide, Evaluating Texts for Indigenous Voice

 Book Selection

Next Steps for Educators

Experiment with evaluating a resource from your classroom collection with reference to the learning resource selection model. Whatever decisions you make will be well-informed by your review of the selection criteria and your reflection on the students in your room.  To view all Focused Ed BC’s selection tools, visit their resource selection page.  Aussi disponible en français