Choiceworks Apps – 2 apps
Visual app that can be used help people complete daily routines and tasks, follow a schedule, understand and control feelings, improve their waiting skills and make choices. Picture symbols, videos, text and timers can be added.
Choiceworks Calendar
Visual picture-based learning app that helps children learn what is happening day-to-day, week-to-week, and month-to-month throughout each year.
SD71 Task Boards
Opening the generic Task Boards in ChoicWorks on an iPad
- Navigate to this Learn 71 Page
- On iPad tap and hold the link you want to transfer into choicworks
- Select Open
- Once opens select 3 dots.
- Select Download
- Go to downloads and open file it will automatically open in ChooiceWorks
Downloading ChoiceWorks boards and opening them in ChoiceWorks app