District Based Services
District-based services are accessed through the School Based Team at your child’s school.
All district services are accessed through School Based Team utilizing Student Services Referral form and other forms outlined at the Student Services- Staff Resources link
School Psychology Services
Our district psychologists provides consultation and support for students with diverse learning needs. Students are referred for assessments by their School Based Teams. After an assessment has been completed on an individual student, our psychologist will collaborate with the student’s family and the school team to make recommendations for appropriate programming and interventions for that student.
Speech and Language Services
The Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) provide assessment, consultation and direct therapy for students who have challenges with speech, and receptive or expressive language challenges. They also support Augmentative and Alternative Communication support for students who need significant assistance to communicate.
Hearing and Vision Services
The district has both a Teacher of the Visually Impaired, and a Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. These teachers provide direct support for students who have been diagnosed with a vision or hearing loss, as well as providing consultation and support for the classroom and learning services teachers at the school. They also support the student with accessing services through provincial programs, and facilitate the loan of specialized equipment and learning resources.
Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy Services
Our physical therapist and occupational therapist support schools by providing screening, assessment, program planning, equipment selection/adaptation and consultation for school teams. They will help design routines and structures for students who require support with daily physical therapy work or self-regulation. They also work alongside school teams and families to facilitate referrals to outside therapists where a student requires more intensive interventions.
Occupational Therapy
Services Provided
The occupational therapist (OT) provided collaborative consultation with school based teams to support students’ self-regulation and motor skills. The OT works with teachers to create classroom environments that support students in their daily activities. Individual assessment is used to deepen understanding of the students challenges after classroom based strategies have been initiated.
Accessing our Services
Classroom teachers and learning support teachers can contact the OT directly to request services. When individualized support is required the OT will ask the learning support teacher to complete paperwork for an OT referral: Student Services Referral Form and Consent for OT Services.
Behavior Resource Services Team
Services Provided
- Case management
- IEP Development
- Behaviour Consultation,
- Pullout classroom program based at Ecole Robb Rd.
- Home and Family support
- Behaviour EA support
Accessing our Services
School referral through School Based Team after parent consultation. Full access to services dependent on meeting Ministry of Education Criteria for Designation.
English Language Learning
District Support Teachers
Services provided
- Program planning for students with Low Incidence Designations
- Functional Curriculum Suggestions and Resources
- Strategies for Successful Inclusion
- Use of Assistive Technology
- Positive Behaviour Supports
Accessing our Services
- School Based Team and LST at each school
- Student Services Referral form
Student Services Technology Department
Services provided
- Assistive Technology (AT) Needs Assessment and Recommendation
- AT Loans and Maintenance
- Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Loans and Maintenance
- AT and AAC Training
- AT and AAC Implementation support
- Student Services Curriculum Support and Resources Development
Accessing our Services
- School Based Team and LST at each school
- Technology loans through completion of Student Services Tech Department Request Form