Internet Searching & Online Databases

I can… 8 9 10 11 12


Navigate a web browser. (Refresh, forward, back, Use search terms, find in page, tabs, history, bookmarks adding to a bookmark toolbar) P P P P P
Understand the meaning of URL suffixes .org, .com, edu, .net, .gov and .ca P P P P P
Use browser search tools and advanced search features to find information. D P P P P
Using age appropriate tools, I can make safe and effective internet searches. (also in Online safety) D D D P P Common Sense Lesson Plans for Internet Safety
 Understand how cookies work and how past searches can influence future search results due browser tracking and predicting functions. D P P P P
I can make searches without being influenced by search engine algorothims eg. incognito and DuckDuck Go D P P P P
Evaluate whether sources/ websites are reliable. D D D P P Don’t Get Tricked by Fake News – Common Sense Lesson Plan

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Use suitable digital tools to organize, display, annotate, cite and share information. D D P P P
Identify, use and create hyperlinks within webpages P P P P P
Locate and add and remove browser or other web apps or add ons to customize learning. D D P P P
Perform basic searches on databases (world book, gage encyclopedias). D P P P P
Use age-appropriate guidelines to evaluate websites and other resources (#2 from Acceptable use to this section)? Eg. CRAAP Test? Current, Relevant, Authoritative, Accurate, and Purpose. D P P P P CRAAP Test

CRAAP Test (french)

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Using relevant accessibility tools (contrast, clutter, screen mask, text size and font, text to speech, etc…) P P P P P Text to Speech for Research Databases
E = Emerging   D= Developing    P= Proficient   (O=optional) 8 9 10 11 12 Return to Technology Skills by Grade

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