While there may be commonalities among learners’ needs and school goals, every school has a different culture and its educators work together to address its own students’ needs. This page lists the various inquiries and student learning/engagement projects conducted within the professional learning communities of each school. Click on each school to learn more about its key areas of collaborative inquiry.

Elementary Schools

SBB-airport-160   SBB-Arden-160   SBB-Aspenpark-160   SBB-Brooklyn-160

SBB-Courtenay-160   SBB-CumberlandEl-160   SBB-DenmanIsland-160   SBB-Puntledge-160

SBB-RobbRoad-160   SBB-hornbyisland   SBB-HubandPark-160   SBB-Miraclebeach-160

SBB-Queneesh-160   SBB-Royston-160   SBB-Valleyview-160   SBB-Nides-160

Middle and Secondary Schools 

SBB-cumberlandcommunity   SBB-vanier   SBB-GalcierView   SBB-laketrail

SBB-Highland   SBB-MarkIsfeld   SBB-Nides-160   SBB-Nalaatsi


SBB-StudentServices   SBB-EducationalAssistants  SBB-librarians

Click on the words “At a Glance” below to see a table of the major themes and specific inquiry questions explored in 2015-2016 in all the schools of SD71.   

At a Glance 2015-2016

PLC focus areas  for 2013-2014

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